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This guide will help you distinguish real news from fake. 根据… 这是皮尤研究中心的一项调查, many Americans believe fake news stories cause significant harm to the nation. 另一个 斯坦福大学的研究 concluded that high school students can't always tell fake news from real news. Fake news stories are also frequently shared on social media.

给辅助技术使用者的说明. The tabs below are accessible, even though they appear in a list. 访问它们的方式与激活链接的方式相同.

  • 什么是假新闻?
  • 如何识别假新闻
  • 核实网站
  • 资源

假新闻有四大类, according to media professor Melissa Zimdars of Merrimack College.

一级: Fake, false, or regularly misleading websites that are shared on Facebook 和 social media. Some of these websites may rely on outrage by using distorted headlines 和 decontextualized or dubious information in order to generate likes, 社交媒体上的股票和利润.

第二类: Websites that may circulate misleading 和/or potentially unreliable information.

类别三: Websites which sometimes use clickbait-y headlines 和 social media descriptions.

四级:讽刺/喜剧网站, which can offer important critical commentary on politics 和 society, but have the potential to be shared as actual/literal news.

没有单一的主题属于单一的类别. 例如, false or misleading medical news may be entirely fabricated (Category One), may intentionally misinterpret facts or misrepresent data (Category Two), may be accurate or partially accurate but use an alarmist title to get your attention (Category Three) or may be a critique on modern medical practice (Category Four). 有些文章属于不止一个类别. It is up to you to do the legwork to make sure your information is good.


你应该知道真相. You are smart enough to make up your own mind - as long as you have the real facts in front of you. You have every right to be insulted when you read fake news, because you are in essence being treated like an idiot.

2 .假新闻破坏你的信誉. 如果你的论点建立在错误的信息上, it will be much more difficult for people to believe you in the future.

3 .假新闻会伤害你,也会伤害很多其他人. 伪造的数据被用来 将疫苗与自闭症联系起来引发了一场反疫苗运动. 一张照片 错误识别被指控的犯罪者 of the 2018 Parkl和 school shooting spread on social media 和 the internet, leading to a wave of online harassment directed at the individual in the photograph, 谁与枪击无关. These sites are heavily visited 和 their lies are dangerous.

4 .真实的消息会让你受益. 如果你想买一家公司的股票, you want to read accurate articles about that company so you can invest wisely. 如果你打算在选举中投票, you want to read as much good information on a c和idate so you can vote for the person who best represents your ideas 和 beliefs. Fake news will not help you make money or make the world a better place, but real news can.

改编自 假新闻 (Campus 图书馆, Indiana University East), licensed under a 知识共享署名-非商业性.0国际许可证.


  1. 阅读标题之外的内容.
    Fake news sites often use attention-grabbing headlines. 阅读整个故事.
  2. Investigate the website or source the story appeared in.
    它的使命是什么? 谁是出版商?? 它是一家受人尊敬的新闻媒体吗? 或者是一个个人网站或博客? 注意URL. 有些网站以“com”结尾.co” are actually fake versions of legitimate news sites.
  3. 检查作者.
    在谷歌上search一下或者在领英上看看. 作者可信吗?? 他/她的资历是什么?
  4. 看看资料来源.
    Does the article reference outside sources to support its claims? 他们值得信任吗??
  5. 检查日期.
    Does the article take an older story but give it a new headline 和 pretend it just happened? 点击链接查找实际日期.
  6. 小心偏见,包括你自己的偏见.
    Is the article skewed toward a particular point of view? Are you more likely to believe it simply because it reinforces your own beliefs?
  7. 其他新闻网站或媒体会报道同样的故事吗?
  8. 这是个玩笑吗??
    Some sites intentionally publish satirical news articles which are sometimes mistakenly taken as fact.
  9. 问专家.
    和一个 图书管理员 或者咨询事实核查网站.


迈克尔Schnudson, 哥伦比亚新闻学院的教授, identifies the following earmarks of journalistic quality:

  1. 撤回的意愿, 正确的, 和 implicitly or explicitly apologize for misstatements in a timely manner.
  2. 精度.
  3. 对相反证据的兴趣.
  4. Follow the story regardless of its political implication.
  5. 保持冷静和陈述性. 没有歇斯底里.
  6. Present multiple positions or viewpoints within a story if the topic is controversial.
  7. 尽可能确定你的信息来源.
  8. 使用普遍接受的数据和可靠的权威.
  9. Pursue evidence 和 leads that run counter to your hunches, 激情, 偏好和, 当证据出现的时候, 在你的故事中给予适当的关注.

有关讨论,请参见Michael Schudson. “非假新闻是这样的." 《ope客户端》2月23日. 2017.



避免假新闻 by only using sources you know are reputable. Do not rely on social media sites such as TikTok, Facebook, or X (formerly Twitter). 有信誉的新闻来源包括 美联社路透.

您还可以searchOPE电子竞技官网的库 数据库 which contain articles from thous和s of vetted sources.

Use these sites to check the accuracy of a source's claims:


  • 社交媒体验证 - Tips 和 tools from CUNY Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism.


  • 评估的照片 & 视频 (在线视频,13:18分钟.CrashCourse)
  • 验证视频 ——从 Verification H和book: A Definitive Guide to Verifying Digital Content for Emergency Coverage.
  • 眼见为实 - Inside the Pentagon’s race against deepfake videos.

The following sites will help you determine if an image as been altered:

The following resources will help you learn more about fake news.



  • 假新闻 (OPE电子竞技官网图书馆资料库的文章).



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